
Friday, August 25, 2017

Windows by Christa Watson

So excited to be part of this blog hop to get the word out on Christa Watson's new book Piece and Quilt with Precuts with Martingale. You can purchase a signed copy from Christa HERE.

You know how books and patterns can say those three dreaded words at the end of a pattern....Quilt As Desired"....well this book teaches you how to look those words in the eye and tell them that you are not scared of them anymore!!!

With excellent cutting and assembly instructions, any of the quilts in this book will be a breeze to put together and then get to my favorite part--I have to say that since I am a long arm quilter--the quilting!! Each quilt has it's own quilting suggestions and instructions on how to do it!!

I chose "Windows" as that was the design featured for today--August 26--my birthday!!

The pattern is written with instructions for using 2 1/2" strip rolls, but since I had just received my second ambassador box from Island Batik, I went with some coordinating fabrics in a stash builder roll. These strips are 5" x WOF.

So I cut a 5 1/2" x 5" rectangle from each of my 8 chosen strips.

Then sub cut those into 2 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangles--super easy and fast!!

Using the super clear instructions and diagrams I had this put together in no time at all!!

 Do you see those lovely puffy white clouds in the sky--well in just an instant they turned into a small little 1 mile square cloud burst of heavy rain. Then there was this beautiful full double rainbow!!

Trust me it was full and double--I just love living on the hill and seeing these!!! But I digress!! Get back to sewing Terri!

Since I wanted a table runner for the dining room I chose to make 2 A rows. In order to ensure the blocks lined up correctly I put little marks on the sashing so I could pin it together nicely.

I looked through the book if any of the other quilting designs I might like to try--but ended up going with what was suggested--ribbon candy in sashing, ribbon in window space and meandering through rest. I really like how it turned out--but then I will always love a good meander!

From cutting to binding this was a less than 4 hour project!! 

And I LOVE how it looks on the dining table!!!

 If you want to see what others have done from Piece and Quilt with PreCuts click HERE for the list. 

I am giving away an e-copy of Piece and Quilt with PreCuts. Just comment below with your favorite birthday cake flavor--mine is yellow cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. On September 1 I will randomly chose one to receive the copy.

Thank you Christa for letting me be a part of your blog hop!! 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wonder and Wander Together!!

April 2016 was our 30th anniversary!! Several things crossed our minds to celebrate the event. I brought up the crazy idea to purchase a used pickup camper, pull the motorcycle on a trailer and travel to great riding places. After some thought, Loren agreed and searched Craigslist to make Terri's new adventure come true!!

What follows is a little peek into our Yellowstone Adventure and how it inspired the quilt blocks I designed and entered into AccuQuilt's Barn Block contest.
Click the link here to see all the contest blocks. Or click the name under the block on this post to take you directly to the voting page for that block!! You can vote for more than one block--but only once a day.

Here we are all loaded up and ready to hit the road!! The sun was just coming up. The colors of God's paintbrush that morning were just exquisite!!

Watch for those colors.....

At the East gate into Yellowstone we go...along with lots of other motorcycles. We had been here over 15 years ago with the kids. I remember them saying--there was just too many trees and can't we see something different--so that is what I was expecting to see again--but there had been a fire, so lots of the trees were gone. But out of the ashes comes beauty!! There were so many wild flowers and the smell was intoxicating!! Red, blue, purple, pink, yellow, and white.

Most of my photos are taken while riding--so pretend you are riding the back of a motorcycle with me!!

Wildflower Meadows

There is just nothing quite like enjoying God's great big beautiful world from the back of a motorcycle. The smells and sounds are intensified and just too amazing for words.

We rode back to the Big Horn mountains the next day--up Highway 14 through Shell Canyon and back down Highway 14A. Most of the time I am just soaking in all the sights that I forget to take out the camera.
The towering red rocks of Shell Canyon were gorgeous. The green irrigated fields of hay had such a sweet smell. The fast running creek along side the road made me smile. All of it is stored on the memory card in my mind!! Along with coming down 14 A with 13 miles of 12% grade curves!!

Free range cattle!! Who knew that was a real thing?!?! No fences!! There were 2 young calves on the road right along a curve--interesting event on a cycle!! They let us pass without incident.

Shell Canyon Road

Bear Tooth pass is considered one of the top 5 riding roads, so we had to go!!

I kept the kids informed along the way--love the ways technology can keep us all connected!!

Saw lots of snow and these curve signs!!!

The views were 360 degrees around--I didn't know where to look first. Since I wasn't driving I could look anywhere!! Loren on the other hand--had to keep his eyes on the road--as looking out to the sides messed with his depth perception when he looked back to the road--so best I take pictures for him!!

The classic photo op!! We had made the kids take this photo years ago--so we did it this time!!!

Such gorgeous color!!

Vacation selfie!!!

Our rides in Yellowstone and surrounding areas of Wyoming far exceeded what we imagined!! Just beautiful!! We LOVED the pickup camper--like a little home away from home! I have a tendency to get homesick--even with all my family around, I can still miss my home. This trip that never happened!! I was so relaxed and enjoying the adventure of it all that I was so not ready for it to end. All was well with my soul!!!

We stayed a night in Spearfish, SD on the way home--beautiful place too--next's year's plan--Sturgis here we come!! Heading east on I-90 to home, we stopped at the Chamberlain rest stop. There is a giant stainless steel statue that I wanted to see.

Dignity is the name of this Native American woman wrapped in a Lone Star quilt. It was as inspiring as I had hoped it would be!! Well worth the turn off and drive up the hill.




Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Quilt As You Go Quicky....

Several years ago at my monthly sewing club, a lesson was taught using the serger to make a one hour quilt. I had made one at that time, but couldn't find my instructions back--apparently tossed with the move!! YouTube to the rescue...I found the video by the same instructor as the sewing club--now the pattern is for purchase on Craftsy, but at least this video helped me get started again.

The pattern uses strips of batting and fabric that are the same size--and since the leftover batting stash has been getting a little out of control--this was the perfect pattern to go with.

I took just a few minutes to tear all my strips to size. I thought tearing would be quicker--which it was initially--but dealing with all those strings was annoying--so might want to rotary cut next time.

As if the batting stack wasn't full enough--I still had to piece a few strips together!!

Start time for sewing.....

2 layers of batting and four layers of fabric going easily through my Bernina with the walking foot.. I don't have my serger set up, and besides we have a love hate relationship with each other!!

The beauty of this pattern is that during the piecing you are actually creating the front and the back at the same time--so totally reversible and super quick!!

After 45 minutes I had the center and 2 borders all put together and decided to add some quick walking foot quilting. Really relaxing to let the machine do the fancy work!!

I used stitch 1396, with no modifications. One thing I have been trying to do with this ambassadorship is to go outside my box with each challenge. Trying new stitches is a great way to accomplish that!!

I still had strips from the original pack Blushing Blooms that I have used in Happy Soul and Bloom Maker plus I love a scrappy binding!!!

...and who doesn't like zinnias!!!!

Thanks again to Island Batik for such gorgeous fabrics to work with!!!