
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Reading pillows...Island Batik Style

Island Batik Ambassadors were given the challenge of pillows for the month of May. Pillows are something I have not explored in quite a while, but have been seeing more and more of them. So I accepted the challenge...times two.

AccuQuilt is celebrating it's 10 year anniversary this year. They reissued a few dies to commemorate the anniversay. I had no idea why I would need an elephant die--# 55373 or the airplane die--#55366, but the pretty blue tray these special issue dies came with won me over. I put them in my "basket" and hit the "buy" button!!

So the challenge was on--how to use the new dies--and maybe make a pillow at the same time!! A search on Amazon for children's books was just the right inspiration needed for these projects.

I mean just look at how great these three work together. The story book, the die, and the deep saturated colors of Island Batik fabrics!!

Staring with a few 2 1/2" strips from the Elementz line--a great colorful modern feeling line of fabrics.

I stacked 12 colors into 4 rows of 3. Cut off a 2 1/2" square--subcut each 2 1/2" sqaure into 4--1 1/4" sqaure.

Sewed them randomly together.

Then kind of randomly pieced a five row little fabric mini quiltlet--approximately 5" x 4 1/2"
Apply Steam a Seam 2 Lite to the back of the fabric mini quiltlet...and watch the magic happen.

I was just a little excited to see just how cute this elephant turned out!! With directional applique designs-- just make sure to figure which direction the elephant needs to face before cutting!!

Again with those deep saturated still my heart!!

I have recently started using the Steam A Seam 2 Lite and am really liking it. The needle did not get gummy when using my longarm on a another project. Nor did it when using my regular sewing machine to "Snappli-quilt" these pillows.

Making a score line on the paper backing really helps with the paper removal.

Something else I found helpful, was to place the "pocket" part of the reading pillow on the actual pillow form to help with applique placement. The sticky back of the Steam a Seam makes placement a breeze!!

Super sweet clouds were made with the Rose of Sharon die #55045.  I was just having too much fun.

Fun interrupted to make noon dinner--bacon, lettuce and tomatoe wraps with fresh picked from the road sides wild asparugus. YUM!!

Playing with applique placement for the elephant pillow.

Doing a little "Snappli-quilt".  Quilting around applique shapes of a quilt top layered with batting and backing, to finish it all in just one step.

Doodle like Snappli-quilt lines for a whimsical effect.

Bind the pocket top edge.

Use the envelop technique to finish off the pillow. Sew around perimeter. Turn right side out. Enjoy.

Such a super Saturday project. I started at 9AM and was finished by 3PM. That included about 45 minutes for noon dinner, but my amazing husband did dinner clean up for me.

Such happy colors!!

I just couldn't wait to give these to my grandkids--so we brougth the pillows over to them right after evening chores were finished. So glad they live within 10 miles of us!!

Oh what happy smiling little faces!! They share a bedroom and always read a few books together before going to sleep--now they have a special place to store them!!

A great big thank you to Island Batik for supplying the fabrics, Aurifil the thread and Hobbs Batting the the Theramore batting!! They all worked together wonderfully!!!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!!" --Dr. Seuss

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Block 5..The Quilter's Planner 2018 sew along...

Welocme to block number 5....where Spring did finally show up here in NW Iowa. My farmer guy has been having a hard time getting in the fields because of yet more rain--but there is a season and time for everything under the sun. Late crops in the ground are better than no crops in the ground.

The tulips in front of the studio are almost finished blooming and have faded to this glorious salmon color!!
Hidden from your eyes in this photo is the rock I needed to place on the corner of the block to keep it from blowing away!!

Doesn't that salmon color look pretty with these soft shades of blue. I am trying to stretch my color thoughts with this SAL. Trying to not go with the obvious and try something different.

The 12" Block #5 can be made with the AccuQuilt GO! Mix & Match 8" Qube.

Die #3--4" HST will use 2--5 3/8" sqaures of a light and a dark

Die #5--2" HST will use a 3 3/4" x 13" light rectangle

Die #6--Square on Point will use 1--3 3/4" sqaure of a meduim
                                                      1--3 3/4" x 11 1/2" rectangle of another medium

If making a pattern that requires many 2" finished half square triangles, I will use this die board--#55063. When cutting 6 layers of fabric it will yeild 60 HST!! That makes the cutting even faster--plus I love the accuracy!!

Now for my thoughts on the Square on Point unit. Do you dislike it as much as I do--or I should say as much as I used to dislike it.
I could never get it to come out right. Enter the die cutting system--not trying to sell it--just telling how much it has helped my accuracy!!

The points of the the already trimmed dog ear corners show right where to start and end sewing.

Then the next set of HST just line up with ease!!
So easy in fact that I am no longer afraid to use the Sqaure on Point unit....

...that I designed a new quilt---Peace Seeker---using multiple Sqaure on Point units.  Watch for this pattern to be available in late June.

The other thing I learned making this block--is to USE the notions I have purchased!!

Pressing was a bit tricky in this block--I didn't want the seam intersections to be bulky, so I pressed them open. But even with that some of the Sqaure on Point intersections still wouldn't lay flat.

Enter the pressing fleece--not afflilated--just again--great product. It does exactly what it says it will do. The heat from the iron stays in the wool and presses the block from the front and back at the same time.

I should have taken a before photo just to show the difference. It was amazing!!

Thank you again to The Quilter's Planner for hosting this great sew along!!

I am already looking forward to the next one....LOL!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Welcome to Lizard Creek Quilting!!

Hi all and welcome to Lizard Creek Quilting!! Where sunsets in the fall are just breath taking!!

Today is my stop on the New Quilt Bloggers 2018 Hop. Make sure and check out all the other stops to meet new quilting friends you didn't know you needed in your life!!

Click the Happy Stitching Team button on the sidebar to find out more information and where to enter for some amazing prizes!!

I have been quilting for over 25 years. But for many years before that I was into all kinds of country crafting items and sold them at local craft shows around the area. This gave me the opportunity to be a work from home mom, which I am very grateful for!!

Basically I just love to make things--anything!! Even if I have to digitize it myself...who knew I could make felt food!!

Ten years ago, I convinced my husband that I needed to add a long arm quilting machine to the mix of things I do. After coming up with a business plan, showing it could be a reasonable buisness--Lizard Creek Quilting was born!!

There is a small creek that runs through the farm we lived on, and also a piece of property we owned about 1 mile from the farm--you guessed it--Lizard Creek is the name of it.

I just love living in small town rural America!! Having a float in the local parade was a great way to advertise--and all it cost was the 2 five gallon buckets of candy that we threw to kids along the route!!
You can read more about it here.

Designing quilts based on deeply personal events in my family life has been the most rewarding part of my quilting so far. This quilt is called Promise Kept. It is a journal quilt my husband and I took along to Hawaii for our 25th anniversary. On our wedding day he promised me we would go to Hawaii for our 25th. Well I made him keep that promise!! I designed this quilt with spaces where we could journal about our trip. Every night we would each write what we did and thought about the day. Then when we returned home I appliqued pictures of the trip onto the quilt. The background fabric in the center blocks is fabric from our bridesmaid dresses. I made this quilt just for us--but loved how it turned out that I entered it into several shows where it won several ribbons. How cool that was!! It was even a semi-finalist in Paducah!! You can read about my experience to Paducah here. There are a few posts about that trip--just look in April 2013.

Lots of life happened the year I turned 50!! Became a Grandmother for the first time--super cool!! And we built a new house--with space for a new sewing space and an amazing long arm studio attached to the house. The previous long arm space was in a remodeled garage stall in the machine shed. While I felt super blessed to have this amazing new space--it took a while to get my creative mojo back. You can read about that here.

What started the journey back to my creative space was taking a class with Lisa Calle--Divide and Design. I highly recommend taking a class to jump start your creativity if you are in a slump.

This quilt is called--Cultivate your Creativity. It has photos of 6 generations of creative women in my life along with written stories of their life. I pieced the lady blocks over 25 years ago when I was just learning to quilt. They sat languishing in a box until I was cleaning out my sewing room to move. I decided to put them in my guild's rummage sale booth at the quilt show. While going through the booth, I just couldn't part with them yet--so bought them back. Well now I decided they had to be put into a quilt and not back in a box. So--this quilt was designed special to showcase the ladies and how we were all connected through our different kinds of creativity--gardening, canning, keeping a home with a very limited budget, knitting, sewing clothing, quilting, interior design and a budding artist!!

My creativity had come back!! Entering the AccuQuilt Barn Block contest was something I had done for many years--but in 2016--my block--Point of View was the grand prize winner!!
You can read my thoughts about that here.

Being an Island Batik ambassador has been soooo much fun and given me amazing opportunities. Sending off my first printed patterns last fall was a dream come true. Check out the Shop my Patterns tab for what is available now. There are more coming so check back often!!

Something I have always tried to instill to my kids is that--You never know if you don't try!!
I want to encourage you to try something you think is outside your box--or something you think you are not good enough for. Send in a design to a magazine--you never know if your name and quilt might be in the next issue!!

If I am not entering another quilt contest--Runner-up block AccuQuilt Barn contest 2017.
You can read the inspiration behind this block design here.

I will be loving on my grandchildren--add one more born this spring!!

Helping my husband--in this oh so sexy coverall outfit--with all that is required to raise a quality pork product--Hormel is where our hogs are processed--so the bacon you had for breakfast could have been raised by us!!

Or riding motorcycle with my husband. Finding inspiration for new quilts in all the beauty that is around the country.

Life is a great adventure.

What dream do you have that you think is too big to attain?? Tell me about it--if it is written down it might not seem so big--all it takes is one step and the adventure is started!! Where it ends is up to you!!

Below are the blogs for this week. Enjoy!!

Cherie B.
Cindy K.