Monday, October 27, 2008
Playoff bound!
Too cute!!!
The snowman needs a face yet--but so cute. I put a windy type swirl meander on this one.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Last game of regular season...
There has been some reorganization in how many teams make the playoffs--and there is a possiblity that we might make it--more on that when I find out!!!
As a parent, I like the fact that we play a fellow Christian school for the final game of the season. We are each playing for our school--but ultimately for the same Lord. What a blessing and privilege it was to see the all the boys and coaches take a knee at center field and give the glory to the Lord.
And if that wasn't enough for a football mom--the Senior boys had yet to do the tradition full field walk. They start under the goal posts and walk the entire field holding hands. The last time on the home field as a Wolfpack football team. The last time in the home bleachers as a Wolfpack player parent. It has been a terrific ride and I am going to miss it!!! Now these boy's job is to learn how to apply these skills of goal setting and perseverance to life!! Walk tall and hold your heads high--you have earned it and we are proud of you!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
COLD Friday night football
Wow--was this a football game???
Too bad for Mom and Stacy--Josh didn't even get on the field!! No points scored--so the extra point team wasn't needed!!
Quilt Overload...Des Moines 2008

Up and out early on Thursday morning after a really nice continental breakfast. We dropped some change at the rest of the vendors--I think it must be easier to spend money the second day!!! Then off to look at all the quilts. There were some amazing designs. I bought the book for this technique--and added another thing to my 'want to do someday" list.
OH yeah--the other thing is--when at a national quilt show--to set the resolution on the camera to the highest setting so that you can study the quilts better when you get home. I forgot--and took all my pictures on low resolution--so when I try to zoom in all I get is pixels and not the quilting lines I wanted to see!! Live and learn for next time!!!
We ended the evening by going to a lecture with Elanor Burns. What a hoot she is--just as down to earth as her show is. Most of her lecture is a show and tell that the audience brings up on stage with her and she just kinda ad libs about each quilt. Usually something funny. Turns out that her and Lois have the same birthday.
All in all it was a great time, reconnecting with a friend, energizing some creativity, and challenging myself to improve on my skills.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
October Harvest Time
We have only had a couple of these yet this year, most of them real close by so not a problem. Only once did Dad have the wheel come off and go rolling down the road in front of him down the hill on the way to Doon!! We have to pick up a few new rims in Sioux Falls when we sell hogs tomorrow!! Just in case.
I have been busy with hog work this week--one 3:30AM to load 2 semi's and another couple times to help Loren. Else the quilting has been picking up steam again!! Here are pics of some that I did this week.
Next is a 9-patch pizzaz from Ginny. The design was made to look like the fields of Iowa to her when she was on several trips in the air this summer. So we chose an allover design of random contempory baptist fans combined with some row type lines to resemble all the differnent land and field types.
Sometimes it is just a really good week--and don't we all wish we had the life of a dog on those weeks...
...the life of laying in the shade of a tree, with the leaves falling all around, watching your people scurry around doing their things, and just watching them.
Any ways, that has been my life this week. And it was good!!
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. " Psalm 24 : 1
Friday, October 3, 2008
It was our turn tonight...
Hard to get a good photo with a smaller camera and players way on other side of the field--but here we are just about to make the second score!!! Go 59!!