These are just a few of the 400 pictures that she took--I would say that you could actually make a movie with them all. They are thinking about sometime next spring after Ashley graduates from college. Welcome to the family Ty!! Love you guys lots!!!
"Someone has once defined love as "friendship that has caught fire."" --Bill Hybels
"This is my lover, this is my friend." Song of Songs 5 : 16
We come with all our projects ready to go. Set and organize our space. Plug in our machines. Then sew until our eyes get blurry or we run out of projects--whichever one comes first!!!
We each made up a crown from the pattern we bought at the Des Moines AQS show. The pattern is from http://www.detailsbydiane.com/ We actually would put it on when we woke up in the morning and not take it off until we went to bed. Got a few strange looks through the hallways in the resort--especially when we walked past the Budweiser convention--but we persisted in proclaiming that we felt like queens for the weekend!!!
...so he got his wish--only one of the 3 bucks that they saw that day--so he was pretty pumped about it all. He then brought the head to Bakker Taxidermy in Doon to get mounted and the meat to Hudson Locker to get made into jerky and pepper sticks--which he has picked up and says is delicious!!
Now fast forward to last week--when he came home with the finished mounted skull--and he decides that if he puts it up in his room where I thought it was going to go--that no one would see it--so after a "Please Mom"--it now has a place of residence in our one and only family room.
So I stood in the entrance into the room and Loren held the head up in several places until we found the corner that felt right--not really hidden--but also not right in your face.
So since I now have added dead wildlife to my decor and family--he needs a name--and Dave it is--Dave the dearly departed deer!! Josh isn't too sure about me nameing his deer--but he is greatly appreciative of the placement for him--and is already contemplateing where....the pheasant will go!!! We will have to see about that!!!